
Bylaws of the San Antonio Rocket Society
December 2012

Article 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be the San Antonio Rocket Society, Prefecture 055 of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, hereafter referred to as SARS.

Article 2: Purpose

It shall be the purpose of SARS to:

Aid and abet the aims and purposes of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) in San Antonio, Texas.

Help ensure the safe conduct of all Commercial Launches and Research Launches as defined by Tripoli Rocketry Association By-Laws, Tripoli Rocketry Association Safe Launch Practices, including NFPA 1122, NFPA 1127, US Code 1348 “Airspace Control and Facilities” Act of 1958, and other applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances.

Cooperate with other Rocketry groups in the area for mutual benefit.

Increase public understanding of and interest in rocketry by engaging in other scientific, educational, or related activities as the SARS may from time to time deem necessary or desirable in connection with the foregoing.

Article 3: Membership

Membership is based on presentation of a signed agreement to abide by the TRA safety codes, TRA Safe Launch Practices, NFPA 1122, NFPA 1127, US Code 1348 “Airspace Control and Facilities” Act of 1958, and other applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances, payment of dues and good standing with SARS.


“Full Member” shall be TRA or NAR members in good standing and with current SARS membership dues paid in full who reside within 50 miles of the Court House in downtown San Antonio, Texas.

“Associate Member” shall be TRA or NAR members in good standing and with current SARS membership dues paid in full who reside outside of 50 miles from the Court House in downtown San Antonio, Texas.

“Participating Member” shall be residents of Texas within 50 miles of the Court House in downtown San Antonio, Texas who agree to conduct all rocketry activities in accordance with the NAR Sporting Code, TRA safety codes, TRA Safe Launch Practices, NFPA 1122, NFPA 1127, US Code 1348 “Airspace Control and Facilities” Act of 1958, and other applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances, but are not members of NAR or TRA.

“Business Meeting” for these by-laws is defined as any meeting called as described in Article 5, that only includes voting members of SARS.

Rights and Privileges:

“Full Member” shall be dues paying, voting members, may hold office, may preform Range Control duties in accordance with the TRA safety codes, and receive all benefits pertaining to SARS membership.

“Associate Member” shall be dues paying, non-voting members, may perform Range Control duties in accordance with TRA safety codes, shall receive all benefits pertaining to SARS membership, but may not hold office.

“Participating Member” shall be dues paying, non-voting members, may not hold office, may not perform Range Control duties, but shall receive all benefits pertaining to SARS membership.

Article 4: Dues

SARS dues shall be payable at the start of the calendar year. Dues shall be prorated based on the month in which a person joins. Membership renewals are always the amount of the annual rate of dues. If membership lapses for one calendar year, a person may re-join at the prorated amount.

The amount of SARS dues will be determined by the Board of Officers and announced not later than the last regularly scheduled business meeting of the calendar year. These SARS dues are separate and distinct from national dues paid to the TRA.

All moneys shall be kept in a General Fund by SARS Prefect and shall be paid out by the direction of the Board of Directors.

Special assessments may be levied by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any SARS meeting provided notice of such intent is given at least 5 days preceding such a meeting.

Article 5: Meetings

SARS Business meetings held twice a year, or as necessary at times and places designated by the Board of Officers. The date, time, and location of each meeting shall be provided to each member in good standing at least fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting. Monthly “Show and Tell meetings” or operations at the rocket range shall not be considered a Business meeting. A quorum shall consist of the Prefect and the Secretary present at the meeting.

Article 6: Officers

The SARS Board of Officers shall be President, namely the current Prefect of TRA-055, and the Secretary.

The Officers shall meet at such time and place as the President shall direct, or when requested by the Secretary.

Both Officers shall constitute a quorum for transaction of the business of any meeting of the SARS officers.

Vacancies in the Board of Officers shall be filled by recommendation of the remaining officers and by approval by a majority vote of a regularly called meeting of the voting membership.

All matters of policy shall be presented in writing to the Officers two weeks prior to being submitted.

The Officers shall function as Publisher of the SARS newsletter by setting broad guidelines for the content and function.

Article 7: Duties of Officers

The President represents all members, regardless of the national affiliation. The President also the Tripoli Prefect represents the TRA members of the Prefecture. The Tripoli Prefect will serve as the Section’s liaison with Tripoli Head Quarters. The President shall preside at all meetings of the SARS membership. The President shall also act as official representative of SARS local, state, and national government officials. The president serves as SARS Treasure. Dues, fund raised moneys, or donations are to be held in one “General” fund by the President. Accounting records of the General Fund are to be presented at every business meeting with the Board of Officers. All moneys paid out from the General fund must be approved by the Board of Officers.

The Secretary shall assist the President and serve in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall maintain membership records and keep minutes for all meetings. The Secretary will also serve as the Elections Officer as required by Tripoli Rocketry Association.

All officers shall work together in the performance of their duties to coordinate the activities of SARS. All duties shall be performed in a timely manner and in such a way as not to delay another officer or committee in the fulfillment of their duties. Any officer unable to fulfill a specific duty shall notify the President in advance. If the President is unable to perform a specific duty he should notify the Secretary. Each officer, at the end of his term of office, shall turn over all original materials and records of his office to his successor and furnish any record of his office as may be required from time to time to the general membership. These records shall include but not be limited to a continuity folder.

In the event any officer is found lacking in the performance of his duties, his resignation shall be requested by the President. If his resignation is not tendered he may be removed from office with the recommendation of the Board of Officers and a two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a called meeting. In the event the President is found lacking in the performance of his duties, his resignation shall be requested by the remaining Board members. If his resignation is not tendered he may be removed from office with the recommendation of the Board of Officers and a two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a called meeting.

Article 8: Eligibility of Officers

All officers must be Full Members of SARS in good standing as well as good standing with Tripoli Rocketry Association.

SARS President must hold a minimum Level 2 Certified with Tripoli Rocketry Association.

Article 9: Elections

Elections of Officers shall take place at the first/last meeting of the calendar year as determined by the Secretary with thirty day notice to voting members. All Officers and Membership of the Board shall serve a term of one year. Vacancies in office and on the Board shall be filled by nomination and election of a member to fill the unexpired term of office and shall take place at the SARS Business meeting as determined by theSecretary with seven day notice to the voting members. Nominations for all elections shall be made from the floor. The candidate having the largest number of votes shall be elected.

Article 10: Tripoli Charter

The San Antonio Rocket Society is recognized as the Prefecture of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, and is also know as SARS. The TRA safety codes, TRA Safe Launch Practices, NFPA 1122, NFPA 1127, US Code 1348 “Airspace Control and Facilities” Act of 1958, and other applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances are to be followed at all times.

Article 11: Amendments

These By-laws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of those SARS members present and voting at any SARS meeting, provided written notice of the pending amendment has been sent to the membership at least five days in advance of such meeting.

Amendment 1: Vice President

This Board of Officer position shall fall under the compliance of Article 6, Article 7, Article 8, and Article 9 of these by-laws. Duties to include running the SARS web site and SARS Face Book.

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